Celebrating over 60 years of building positive futures in the ACT
Founded in 1957, the Canberra Police Community Youth Club Inc. (Canberra PCYC) was founded by a group of dedicated police officers and citizens who wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of young people in the ACT. Until the early 2000's, the Canberra PCYC provided a platform for ACT Police and the Australian Federal Police to engage with young people and the community.
What started with role modelling, sporting activities and social events, has since grown into an innovative and leading independant service platform for vulnerable young people and their families.
Today, the Canberra PCYC delivers a range of services across the ACT Region, from intensive programs providing wrap-around supports, through to recreational programs to help a young people get back on track. Through the Erindale Centre, low cost, high quality sporting programs are offered to the community.