Hunter Investment Corporation - HEZ Hunter Economic Zone And Lovett Tower Support Canberra PCYC

We are proud to announce that Hunter Investment Corporation - HEZ - Hunter Economic Zone and Lovett Tower is supporting the Canberra Police Community Youth Club. inc. Canberra PCYC through their Youth Work Experience Hospitality and Barista Program.

This program aims to support young people from around the region to gain valuable experience in the field of hospitality, and learn the art of being a barista.

Our aim is to provide young people from all backgrounds with:
- An insight into a career path in hospitality and barista
- Hands on learning in a fully operational cafe
- Opportunity to enrol, and complete with support a Certificate IV course in Hospitality
- Opportunity for casual employment for large events held at Wakefield Park
- Linked to employment provider who will then work with outside Cafe’s and restaurants for further employment opportunities.

The partnership between Canberra PCYC
Canberra Police Community Youth Club. inc. and Hunter Investment Corporation - HEZ - Hunter Economic Zone and Lovett Tower will see young disadvantaged people receive intensive support and training in Hospitality and Barista.

This experience has been made possible thanks to the continued support from Canberra PCYC’s CEO
Cheryl O'Donnell and our Chairman Frank Cavasinni

Frank Cavasinni has supported and sponsored many charities in the community for over 35 years. His dedication and drive have helped many individuals, businesses and charities. His philanthropy work extends from large fundraising events for Dementia, University of NSW (CHeBA) to hosting events for the Invictus Games for both the participants and their families.

This new innovative program is providing those who are experiencing trauma in their lives or, young people with a disability or any young person seeking a great career path the opportunity to gain valuable experience, that will see them learn skills required to be job ready, and have the ability to step into other roles.

Canberra PCYC is committed to seeing lives changed. Whatever journey people may have been on, it is their mission to empower people to create pathways to a better future for themselves.

The café will be opening this coming Tuesday the 9th August, so come grab a coffee and breakfast / lunch to support the Canberra PCYC


Dare to Plunge


Cosmorex Coffee has come on as a Major Sponsor for the Canberra PCYC Youth Mobile Training Kitchen